control de calidad Resortes Rm
Resortes Rm

Quality characteristics of our springs

1 - All our springs are made of SAE 9260/9254 steel (superior quality)

2 - The quality of this steel has ISO 9001.2015 certification.

3 - Processed in new automatic winding machines with CNC of high speed, of last generation and the most modern technology.

4 - Thermal process controlled in its entirety electronically, thus achieving an exact hardness, which allows greater smoothness when walking the vehicle.

5 - Shot peening. Process that allows to achieve a great durability in the springs (resistance to fatigue).

6 - Process of three rigorous controls (blocking, loading and elasticity).

7 - National product: Our springs are manufactured in the country with purely national products of optimum quality.

8 - A technical assistance that will instantly solve your problems.


If you want to inquire about our products you can contact through our call center, via email or by completing the form below.


Cerrito 932/934 – Bernal Oeste.
Buenos Aires – Argentina CP (B1883AIB)
(+54-11) 4388 0034 / 4388 0041
11 6066-7636
+54 11 6896-9575

Lun a Vie: 8am a 17:30pm

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